Yummy Lix Lollipops are allergen Free, Enjoy Without Worry!!
So, it’s your turn to bring a treat to your child’s second-grade class, or to the team practice, or to a summer picnic. What will you choose that doesn’t leave a single child out? In today’s world, on average, 1 in 13 children have food allergies, which adds up to two per class. Few things are sadder than children who have to watch others relishing a treat they cannot taste for fear of sickness—or even death.

Some of these allergens hide in innocent looking snacks. Nacho chips can be fried in the same oil as shellfish, granola bars can have nuts and gluten as ingredients, and milk chocolate—well—contains milk, one of the big three allergens for kids. Almost all pre-packaged cookies are on the unsafe list for elementary schools. How can you play it safe and still make the kids happy?
If you are looking for a great treat that everyone can enjoy, lollipops not only are a grand candy tradition, they are also 100 percent allergen free. Cima Confections makes our gourmet lollipops, Yummy Lix, with no gluten, dairy, peanuts, tree nuts, eggs, fish, shellfish, or soy anywhere in our ingredients. We also manufacture our products in a factory that does not make products with these allergen ingredients. While Yummy Lix provides a smooth, creamy texture in flavors such as Mango Peach and Banana Split, there is no milk ingredient to hamper anyone’s enjoyment of this sweet treat.
Those eight types of food account for more than 90 percent of all food allergies, according to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC). The most common allergen is the peanut, followed by milk and shellfish. Reactions can vary from a mild tingling on the lips and hives to death from an anaphylactic reaction, which can happen quickly. Teenagers and young adults face the highest risk of fatal food allergy reactions, according to Food Allergy Research and Education (FARE).
It’s not your imagination that food allergies are rising in our children and youth. Since 1997, food allergies among children have increased by 50 percent, according to the CDC. If all of the kids with allergies were gathered into one state, it would become the 19th most populous state in the union! Every three minutes, a reaction to food sends someone to the emergency room, according to FARE.
While you may be tempted to serve a non-allergen-free snack to the majority of children, and a different snack to the kid or kids who have food allergies, please reconsider. More than 35 percent of the kids over age five with food allergies have endured food bullying, teasing, or harassment, according to a study from the Annals of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology.
Play it safe, and choose lollipops as your special treat for your school events, team celebrations, birthday parties and other occasions. You can be the snack hero with Yummy Lix, by serving a delicious, safe, and low-calorie snack that can last a whole afternoon. It’s the kindest and wisest choice for the enjoyment of everyone.